
Volume 7 Number 2 - Spring 1999
Summer 1999 Events
1999 Logo Summer Institutes
New York City Grand Junction,
Take some time this summer to focus on your own
Join us for a week or two of Logo exploration and
The Logo Summer Institutes are intensive project-based
workshops that emphasize immersion learning and aim for
technological fluency. The individualized approach of a Logo
Summer Institute accommodates experienced Logo users as well
as novices.
Logo Immersion
New York, June 28 - July 1
Colorado, July 19 - 23
Immerse yourself in Logo learning and project building. Use MicroWorlds
from LCSI, Terrapin Logo, and other Logo software environments.
Choose from among several strands including multimedia, Logo and mathematics,
simulations, Logo for young children, and game design.
Logo Robotics
New York, June 14 - 18
Colorado, July 26 - 30
Design and build cybernetic devices of all kinds and control them using
Logo programs. Use a variety of robotics systems from LEGO® Dacta,
Terrapin Software, and the MIT Media Lab.
The 1999 Summer Institutes are hosted in New York City by the Spence School
and Convent of the Sacred Heart, both conveniently located on Manhattan's
Upper East Side. In scenic western Colorado our host is Mesa State College.

Seventh European
Logo Conference
Sofia, Bulgaria
August 22-25, 1999
EUROLOGO is a biennial conference, which focuses on
educational applications of Logo and other exploratory
computational environments for all levels of education. Logo
was born in the 20th century. What is Logo &endash;
language, philosophy? How did Logo ideas develop? How far
has Logo theory and practice gone? Where is Logo heading?
These questions will seek their answers at Eurologo'99,
which is special because it is at the border of two
millennia &endash; a 20th century epilogue and an entrance
to the year 2000.
Contact people and address:
- Evgenia Sendova and Iliana Nikolova
- email: eurologo99@sparc10.fmi.uni-sofia.bg
- Web: http://iea.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/eurologo99/
- Mail:
- P.B. 48, 5 J. Bouchier
- FMI-KIT, room 212
- Sofia 1164, BULGARIA
NECC preconference Workshop
Philadelphia - June 21
Logosium is the annual opportunity to share
ideas, fellowship and develop Logo skills with
Logo-using educators. Logo pioneers and classroom
teachers will lead hands-on workshops, panel
discussions and make presentations dealing with
exciting programming projects, practical classroom
ideas, and constructionism. Logosium workshops will
focus on multimedia MicroWorlds projects,
publishing Logo on the Web, advanced programming
concepts, freeware Logo versions and robotics. The
regular full-day fee includes registration,
transportation to the Logosium site, lunch and
early fun-filled dinner before returning back to
NECC. Come celebrate the first millennium of Logo!
(Organized by ISTE's SIGLogo)
For NECC Registration go to http://confreg.uoregon.edu/necc99/
- For Logosium information contact Gary
Stager: gstager@pepperdine.edu
(You may attend Logosium without registering for
NECC. Contact Gary Stager for details.)

Stonington Retreat will again be held on Deer Isle
in Maine. This year's workshops are from June 28 to July 3 and July
5 to July 10. Contact Laura Allen
for details.