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The Logo Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is supported in part by donations. These tax-deductible contributions help us to provide resources and services to educators and children.


July 21-24, 2025 - New York City

Hold the dates and check back in the fall for more info and to register

Join us for this immersion in creative computing for K12 teachers, parents, and technology integrators. You will have the resources, support, and time to develop personally and professionally meaningful explorations, activities, and projects.

You will have access to a wide variety of programming environments including the Scratch family and TurtleArt. Platforms for physical computing and robotics include micro:bit, the FInch Robot, and the Hummingbird Robotics Kit.

Our team of facilitators has decades of experience with educational technology and teaching people of all ages. A low participant–facilitator ratio ensures that you will get the personal attention and support you need to realize your learning goals.

Click here to find out about the 2024 Logo Summer Institute, which happened this past July