Make a Donation of $50 or more to the Logo Foundation
and Receive a set of TurtleArt Cards as a Free Gift

TurtleArt from the Playful Invention Company is focused on making images while allowing you to explore geometry and programming. Some years ago, they created a boxed set of activity cards to help people engage with TurtleArt.

The cards were sold on Amazon, but are no longer available there, or anywhere, except for this offer. When distribution ended, the Playful Invention Company generously donated the few dozen remaining sets to the Logo Foundation. We are now offering them to you as a gift when you donate $50 or more to the Logo Foundation.

The Logo Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your tax-deductible donation helps us to provide resources and services to educators and children.

To make a donation and receive your gift
  1. click the button to the right to make your donation
  2. complete this form to tell us where to ship the gift

Note that due to shipping costs and customs requirements, we can only ship to locations in the USA

More about the TurtleArt Cards
The cards are similar to the Snippets and Samples found on the TurtleArt website. This message from Puala Bontá, Brian Silverman, and Artemis Papert, the creators of TurtleArt, suggests how they may be used. It is included in each boxed set of TurtleArt Cards:

.If you have any questions about this offer, email:

Thank you for your support!