
Over the past 35 years there have been many books written about Logo learning and programming. Here is a short list of some of the more notable titles.

Logo and Learning
Logo Projects and Ideas
Logo and Language
Logo and Mathematics
Logo Programming and Computer Science

Logo and Learning

by Seymour Papert
This 1980 classic has inspired thousands of teachers who have sought creative ways to use computers in the classroom. This second edition includes a new introduction by Seymour Papert and forewords by John Sculley and Carol Sperry.

Click here to download a copy of the 1980 first edition of Mindstorms.


Lifelong Kindergarten
Cultivating Creativity through Projects, Passion, Peers, and Play
by Mitchel Resnick
In kindergartens these days, children spend more time with math worksheets and phonics flashcards than building blocks and finger paint. Kindergarten is becoming more like the rest of school. In Lifelong Kindergarten, Resnick argues for exactly the opposite: the rest of school (even the rest of life) should be more like kindergarten. To thrive in today's fast-changing world, people of all ages must learn to think and act creatively —and the best way to do that is by focusing more on imagining, creating, playing, sharing, and reflecting, just as children do in traditional kindergartens.


The Children's Machine
by Seymour Papert
The Children's Machine is about ways of thinking and learning; about a new view of programming and computer science. The commentary is on many levels from an analysis of the learning process of one person to a discussion of how to achieve megachange in the face of School's resistance to change. Papert looks back at a decade of "computer revolution" in schools, and ahead to a true revolution in learning that computers may yet make possible.


The Connected Family: Bridging the Digital Generation Gap
by Seymour Papert
This new book is about children families and computers. It includes a Macintosh / Windows CD with demo versions of software and sample programs.


Logo Philosophy and Implementation
by Clotilde Fonseca, Geraldine Kozberg, Michael Tempel, Sergei Soprunov, Elena Yakovleva, Horacio Reggini, Jeff Richardson, Maria Elizabeth B. Almeida, and David Cavallo. "This book of stories, each of which describes a large scale Logo implementation in a different country, will make a significant contribution towards communicating the powerful idea that is evoked for me, as for the authors of its chapters by the word Logo" - from the Introduction by Seymour Papert. (Available from LCSI as a free download.)


Computer Environments for Children
by Cynthia Solomon
The design of a computer learning environment reflects the underlying educational values of the designer. This book examines the work of four educators ; Patrick Suppes, Robert Davis, Tom Dwyer, and Seymour Papert ; in light of their educational philosophies. Although the focus is on mathematics education, the principles discussed are relevant to learning and teaching in general. (Available from MIT Press . It is also available on line.)


Interactive Problem Solving Using Logo
by Heinz-Dieter Böecker
The material in this book was originally published in technical reports and books prepared as part of a national research project at the Center for Educational Technology in Darmstadt, Germany. This version provides illustrative case studies that show the importance of interactive problem solving in fields as diverse as mathematics, artificial intelligence, and linguistics.


by Seymour Papert and Idit Harel
In 1985 the Media Lab was created at MIT to advance the idea that computation would give rise to a new science of expressive media. Within the media lab, the Epistemology and Learning group extends the traditional definition of media by treating as expressive media materials with which children play and learn. The Group's work follows a paradigm for learning research called Constructionism. Several of the chapters directly address the theoretical formulation of Constructionism, and others describe experimental studies which enrich and confirm different aspects of the idea. Thus this volume can be taken as the most extensive and definitive statement to date of this approach to media and education research and practice. This book is structured around four major themes: learning through designing and programming; epistemological styles in constructionist learning, children and cybernetics; and video as a research tool for exploring and documenting constructionist environments.


Constructionism in Practice: Designing, Thinking, and Learning in A Digital World
Edited by Yasmin B. Kafai and Mitchel Resnick
The digital revolution necessitates, but also makes possible, radical changes in how and what we learn. This book describes a set of innovative educational research projects at the MIT Media Laboratory, illustrating how new computational technologies can transform our conceptions of learning, education, and knowledge. The book draws on real-world education experiments conducted in formal and informal contexts: from inner-city schools and university labs to neighborhoods and after-school clubhouses.

Logo Projects and Ideas


Adventures in Modeling: Exploring Complex, Dynamic Systems with StarLogo
by Vanessa Colella, Eric Klopfer, and Mitchel Resnick
Have you ever wondered how birds flock or forest fires spread? For thousands of years people--from DaVinci to Einstein--have created models to help them better understand patterns and processes in the world around them. Computers make it easier for novices to build and explore their own models--and learn new scientific ideas in the process. Adventures in Modeling introduces you and your students to designing, creating, and investigating models in StarLogo. (Available from Teachers College Press)


Minds in Play: Computer Game Design as a Context for Children's Learning
by Yasmin Kafai
Children routinely play computer games, but rarely get to create their own. This book reports on a project where children, instead of being on the receiving end of educational game software, design and program their own. "A mine of ideas for teachers in search of computer projects for their students or themselves" - Seymour Papert


by Cynthia Solomon, Margaret Minsky, and Brian Harvey
These Logo Projects was written by a collection of Logo enthusiasts who hung out at the Atari Cambridge Research Lab in the early 1980s. The programs were written in Atari Logo, but most will run in current versions of Logo. The book is out of print, but is available online. Click here for a copy.


Teaching With Logo
by Molly and Daniel Watt
This is a unique source book offering educators and parents a wealth of information about using Logo. It contains many samples of students' programs and techniques for managing Logo in the classroom. (Available from Terrapin Software)


101 Ideas for Logo
by Dorothy Fitch
Lots of great Logo ideas for less than 20¢ apiece! These activities make use of classic Logo features: Turtle graphics, words and lists, music, shapes, animation, and multiple turtles. There are projects for beginners as well as advanced Logo programmers. The site license includes reproducible blackline masters.(Available from Terrapin Software)


Turtles, Termites, and Traffic Jams: Explorations in Massively Parallel Microworlds
by Mitchel Resnick
A wide-ranging exploration into the counterintuitive world of decentralized systems and self-organizing phenomena, this book also serves as a guide to StarLogo. This implementation of Logo, with thousands of independent turtles and patches of background, was designed by Resnick to aid in the exploration of massively parallel decentralized systems. (Available from MIT Press)

StarLogo software is also available for free from MIT and from Tufts University.

Logo and Language

Exploring Language with Logo
by E. Paul Goldenberg and Wallace Feurzeig
The reader is invivted to participate actively in the play and work of the linguist. This is a comprehensive presentation of Logo's highly developed language-manipulation capability.

The Logo Project Book
by Alison Birch
This book is filled with activities and projects for exploring language. It is perfect for students and adults who are familiar with the turtle and want to explore Logo's list processing capabilities. It includes fourteen carefully sequenced projects and twenty-five sample files for use with Terrapin Logo or Logo Plus for Macintosh or Apple II. (Available from Terrapin Software)

Logo and Mathematics

Approaching Precalculus Mathematics Discretely
by Philip G. Lewis
Approaching Precalculus Mathematics Discretely introduces concepts of discrete mathematics through the computer, making them easier to teach and more fun to learn. The author uses the Logo language to apply and explore much of the material in standard high school advanced algebra and precalculus programs. He develops sophisticated programming techniques in conjunction with mathematical concepts that make the book a model for teachers looking for ways to integrate computers into the mathematics curriculum. (Available from MIT Press)


Investigations in Algebra
by Albert A. Cuoco
Investigations in Algebra departs from a preoccupation with calculus as the ultimate goal of, and the universal introduction to advanced mathematics. Cuoco uses Logo to explore combinatorics, number theory, the study of discreet functions, and other topics that are not on the traditional path to calculus. (Available from MIT Press)


Learning Mathematics and Logo
edited by Celia Hoyles & Richard Noss
These original essays summarize a decade of fruitful research and curriculum development using Logo. They discuss a range of issues in the areas of curriculum, learning, and mathematics, illustrating the ways in which Logo continues to provide a rich learning environment that allows pupil autonomy within challenging mathematical settings. (Available from MIT Press)


Logo Probability
by Alison Birch
A computer lab for exploring probability, this collection of projects may be used as is or modified by students to test their own ideas. It includes a student book and disk, and a teachers guide. The site license includes 15 student books.To use the disk you need Terrapin Logo, Logo Plus, or PC Logo.(Available from Terrapin Software)


Turtle Geometry
by Hal Abelson and Andrea diSessa
Based on a decade of work with high school and university students, this book provides a novel perspective in which mathematical concepts are presented in a constructive, process-oriented way. The same turtle used by young children to draw simple shapes and designs becomes a vehicle for exploring advanced topics that include random motion, feedback and growth, vector operations, spherical geometry, and Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. (Available from MIT Press )

Logo Programming and Computer Science

Advanced Logo, A Language for Learning
by Michael Friendly
In Advanced Logo, A Language for Learning Michael Friendly deliberately seeks to invite the reader into this broader conception of Logo as a "real" programming language. He also seeks to extend this fuller view of Logo by illustrating how programming in Logo is an educational methodology for bringing children into contact with many educationally important ideas.


Computer Science Logo Style, Second Edition
by Brian Harvey
(Available from MIT Press. Copies may also be downloaded for personal use from Brian Harvey's Web site.)


Volume 1: Symbolic Computing is a Logo programming text, featuring natural language processing (words and lists), including three example project chapters. Functional programming style is emphasized, including detailed explanations of recursion and of higher-order procedures.


Volume 2: Advanced Techniques alternates tutorial chapters on advanced features of the Logo language with seven example case studies. The language features include nonlocal exit, program as data, property lists, and macros; the projects include a utility program to find differences between two versions of a file, a general pattern matcher, and a compiler that translates BASIC programs into Logo. The Berkeley Logo reference manual is included as an appendix.


Volume 3: Beyond Programming introduces undergraduate-level computer science topics: automata theory, discrete mathematics, algorithms, programming language design and compilation, and artificial intelligence. The ideas are illustrated with concrete Logo programs, such as a Pascal compiler, written in Logo, that compiles into a simple assembly language.


LogoWorks: Lessons in Logo
by Sheila Cory and Margie Walker
This ready-to-use curriculum enables students to master geometry and beginning programming skills. It is organized into a formally structured sequence, but may also be used as a source of ideas and activities. The site license includes a teachers guide and reproducibles as well as the student book and disk. (Available from Terrapin Software)


The Well-Tempered Turtle
by Susan Anderson-Freed and Lisa J. Brown
This curriculum, suitable for high school and introductory level college courses, uses Logo as a means of testing and exploring programming concepts. It provides a complete introduction to computer science covering such topics as data types, control structures, graphics, natural language processing, and music. (Available from Terrapin Software)


Visual Modeling with Logo
by James Clayson
Filled with striking illustrations, this book offers an exciting exploration of Logo graphics for designers, architects, liberal arts students, and other individuals who are interested in creative applications of computers. (Available from MIT Press )


Logo: Models and Methods for Problem Solving
by William J. Spezeski
Explore the world of fractals, design colorful string art, program stunning spirals and butterfly curves, develop a challenging dartboard game, create animation effects. These are only a few of the fun and challenging activities that are offered in this new book. This fun approach to Logo uses a myriad of graphical activities to teach Logo and problem solving skills. Each chapter poses a variety of challenges, offers helpful tools, suggests enhancements, and exposes students to powerful problem solving strategies. High school and college students can use this book simply to have fun with the computer, or at a higher level, to learn programming techniques. (Available from Terrapin Software)


by Valentino Braitenberg
An exercise in "synthetic psychology", this cybernetic fantasy builds gradually from the simple to the complex. Vehicles that are, after all, "only machines" seem to exhibit very human characteristics. This book is a good source of ideas for project in LEGO® Logo and other robotic systems. (Available from MIT Press)