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Ike Shaw

BA in Music, State University of New York at Purchase,2003

ike shaw
ike shaw

As an educator at a small, progressive private school, I wear many hats! Luckily, my background and professional experience allow me to integrate a wide variety of disciplines into the different subjects I teach.

While obtaining a Bachelor's Degree in Music from SUNY Purchase, I co-founded both The Wayfinder Experience, a theater-arts-based summer program for teens, and The Adventure Game, an educational non-profit that provides interactive arts-in-education programming to schools throughout the northeast. It was through this process of facilitating programs for hundreds of young people that I fell in love with teaching, and subsequently became a New York State Certified Music Educator.

As with many of my peers, technology was an integral part of my everyday life since I was old enough to flip a power switch! From the moment I programmed my first screensaver in QBASIC, I was hooked on the idea that computers can be used to create content rather than just consume it. I've had the opportunity to deepen my technological skills throughout my experiences as a small business owner, executive director, classroom teacher and professional development facilitator.

I'm currently working at High Meadow School in Stone Ridge, NY, teaching 7th and 8th grade Humanities, and 3rd through 8th grade Music, as well as supporting both staff and students in the use of educational technology.