Seymour Papert: On Logo

In 1986 Seymour Papert, the "father of Logo," collaborated with award-winning filmmaker William Schwartz and Elizabeth Schwartz, who was Assistant Superintendent of the Ladue, Missouri School District, to produce Seymour Papert On Logo.
In this video series, Papert shares his vision of thinking,
learning, and teaching in a computer culture, and also addresses
technical issues about Logo and programming more generally.
Seymour Papert On Logo offers a window into a time when
computers and Logo had been in widespread use in schools for just
a few years, while also delving into issues about computing and
education that remain relevant today.
The 10
videos in the series are now being made available here on the Logo
Foundation website for your personal and educational use under the
terms of use specified below.
The Seymour Papert On Logo video series has two parts:
- New Mindstorms focuses on the process and the principles of learning.
- Logo Hurdles is about specific technical aspects of Logo.
An additional component, On LogoWriter, looks at that specific version of Logo, which was developed by Logo Computer Systems Inc (LCSI) and had just been released in 1985.
Click on a title below to view the video.
New Mindstorms |
Hurdles |
On LogoWriter |
A Study Guide was produced to accompany the Hurdles video tapes.
It was intended to support individual study and to assist workshop
leaders and course instructors. This publication is also being
made available here:
Logo Grammar
Names and Variables
Images of Recursion
Digging Deeper
Terms of Use:
The On Logo and On LogoWriter videos and accompanying Study Guide
are copyright Media Microworlds Inc. They are being made available
here on the Logo Foundation website for personal and educational
use only. Credits on the videos and print material must remain as
originally configured. No fees may be charged for viewing or
distribution. No advertisements may be attached to or superimposed
on the video content without further permission.