More information about the 2023 Logo Summer Institute,

an immersion in creative computing for K12 teachers, parents, and technology integrators

Online via Zoom

July 11-13, 2023

In-Person in New York City

July 18-20, 2023

From 2020 through 2022 the Logo Summer Institute was an online event. For 2023 we're reviving the in-person immersion that we developed over the past four decades, while preserving the advantages of the online approach. It will be the best of both worlds. You may sign up for the Online Logo Summer Institute, the In-Person Logo Summer Institute, a week later or both. Here's some additional information to help you decide.

Why not just go back to having the Logo Summer Institute in person? Why also have the online workshop?

We surveyed dozens of people who expressed interest in attending the 2023 Logo Summer Institute, including many who had participated in past years, online, in person, or both. Half the people were interested in attending both an in-person and an online workshop. The rest were evenly divided between those who preferred an online event only and those who wanted only an in-person Logo Summer Institute.

In recent years, prior to the pandemic, Logo Summer Institutes were hosted in New York City and Houston. The online format accommodated many people who were not in either of these locations. Continuing the Online Logo Summer Institute will allow us to serve people who cannot participate in the In-Person Logo Summer Institute. We also found that there were advantages to the online format that we want to preserve.

Advantages of the Online Logo Summer Institute

The major advantage of the Online Logo Summer Institute is that it accommodates people from anywhere in the world. This applies to both participants and facilitators. In 2022 we had more than a dozen facilitators from locations across the USA and Canada leading sessions on a wide range of topics. The online format also offers a flexible schedule with all Zoom sessions recorded for later review, These recordings also allow you to view sessions when you are unable to participate in the live event.

Advantages of the In-Person Logo Summer Institute

Being in the same space with other people is by far the best way to support collaboration. This is especially true when working on physical computing and robotics projects. Having open-ended, flexible time allows in-depth work on activities and projects. The In-Person Logo Summer Institute offers a rich environment: people with a wide range of interests and experiences, lots of materials and equipment, much of which you may not have access to at home or in school.

Should I attend the Online or In-Person Logo Summer Institute, or both?

ideally both. But, if you don't live in the New York City area and can't travel there, your choice is limited to the Online Logo Summer Institute. You can look at the online agenda from 2022. The program for 2023 will be similar.

If you are comfortable with the technologies and familiar with topics that comprise the online workshop, you can consider coming only to the In-Person Logo Summer Institute. Even if you do not participate in the Online Logo Summer Institute, you will have access to the Zoom recordings of the sessions from the prior week. This is not the same as participating in those sessions when they are live, but it will give you information that will be useful as you develop projects during the In-Person Logo Summer Institute.

What if I still have questions?

Contact us at

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