Scratch Day is for people of all ages and all levels of experience with Scratch. It is for Scratch beginners and for those who have been Scratching for years.
- Teachers, bring your students!
- Parents, bring your children!
- Children, bring your parents and teachers!
Have a look at:
- the program from Scratch Day @ TC December 1, 2018
- the program from Scratch Day @ TC December 2, 2017
- the program and pictures from Scratch Day @ The Computer School on December 10, 2016
- the program from Scratch Day @ The Foote School on April 2, 2016
- the program from Scratch Day @ The Town School on December 13, 2015
- the program from Schlumberger Scratch Day @ McGowen Elementary School on December 5, 2015
- the program from Scratch Day @ Ramaz on November 15, 2015
- the program from 2014
- the program from 2013
- the program from 2012
- a slide show from 2011
Plans are now underway for a Scratch Day at Teachers College, Columbia University in New York City December 14, 2019. Click here for details.
Also look at the Scratch Day website for events that are being held at many locations around the world.