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Workshops and Courses - Making Arrangements

Organizing a Workshop

We offer workshops on a wide range of creative computing topics for teachers, students, or a mixed, multi-age group.. Workshops are generally from half a day to five days in duration. Courses cover the same topics with shorter sessions spread out over a period of weeks. In addition to the topics on the Workshop and Course Descriptions page, we can design a custom workshop to more specifically meet your needs.

We come to you. You will need to provide computers and Internet the specific applications we will be using, tablets or Chromebooks may also be used. We provide documentation, software, and one or more facilitators. The maximum number of participants varies depending upon their experience and the number of facilitators we provide. The limit is generally between 12 and 20 with one facilitator.

The number of facilitators that we provide can be reduced by selecting some qualified participants to act as interns, assisting and learning from our facilitators.This prepares them to lead follow-up workshops and provide ongoing support to colleagues and students. This approach helps create a sustainable program in your school or district.

Most of our facilitators are currently classroom teachers and technology integrators. All of them have extensive experience teaching creative computing..

What it Costs

The fee is $1,500 per facilitator for a one day workshop, $1,200 per day for additional days, plus expenses for travel, accommodations, and meals. We use local people when possible to minimize these costs.

Please contact us to arrange for a workshop in your school, district, or other organization, or for more information.